Give Back

How To Create a Charity to Give Back

The text Give Back in front of the Jamaican Flag with hands around it

Creating a charity involves defining a clear mission that addresses a specific social need and establishing a legal structure, such as a nonprofit organisation. Non-profits are legal entities created to provide a particular service for the benefit of the general public, and they enjoy some tax exemptions.
In order for an organisation to classify as a non-profit, it must operate and provide its services without the primary goal of making a profit. 
In Jamaica, persons interested in starting a non-profit, can do so by registering the entity through the Companies Office of Jamaica (COJ).

  1. Select and register an appropriate name. This can be done on the COJ’s website or by visiting the agency’s New Kingston offices.
  2. complete Form 1B, which are articles of incorporation for a company limited by guarantee without share capital. Persons should choose ‘charity’ to register for non-profit status. The form is available on the COJ’s website or in office.
  3. Contact the Department of Cooperatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS) to submit the articles of incorporation and other documents that are required. The DCFS is the entity tasked with managing the application, approval and renewal of charities. The requirements can be reviewed on the DCFS's website