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Medical Missions

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Medical Missions


Overseas medical missions have been a critical part of Jamaica's healthcare system for years. These missions, often staffed by professionals from the Jamaican diaspora, provide much-needed healthcare services to communities and individuals that might not otherwise have easy access to, or financial ability to access such services.

A few of these missions are:

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Adopt-A-School Programme

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Adopt-A-School Programme


The "Adopt-A-School" program in Jamaica is an initiative designed to foster partnerships between schools and various stakeholders such as businesses, organizations, and individuals. The primary goal of this program is to provide support and resources to schools, particularly those that are under-resourced or facing various challenges. 

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How To Create a Charity to Give Back

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How To Create a Charity to Give Back


Creating a charity involves defining a clear mission that addresses a specific social need and establishing a legal structure, such as a nonprofit organisation. Non-profits are legal entities created to provide a particular service for the benefit of the general public, and they enjoy some tax exemptions.
In order for an organisation to classify as a non-profit, it must operate and provide its services without the primary goal of making a profit. 

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Adopt-A-Clinic Programme

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Adopt-A-Clinic Programme


The Adopt-A-Clinic Programme is a structured arrangement that seeks to engage the private sector locally and the Diaspora to play a critical role in improving the provision and access to Primary Health Care via the philanthropic support to a pool of 100 clinics identified for Adoption.

For further information about the Programme and how to adopt a clinic, visit the following website.